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Adisa Opal Palmer Stati Uniti inglese Varia, innovativa e poliedrica, Opal Palmer Adisa è un talento eccezionale, cresciuta con la linfa della canna da zucchero e la brezza dell’oceano della Giamaica. Carismatica e preparata, gli interessi di Adisa spaziano dai temi dell’ambiente all’infanzia, e ci sono pochi argomenti di cui non abbia scritto in poesia, prosa o saggio. Oratrice ricercata ha tenuto lezioni e letto i suoi lavori nelgi Stati Uniti, in Europa, Sud Africa e nei Caraibi. Vincitrice di numerosi ppremi per la poesia e la prosa ha dodici libri al suo attivo, fra cui il romanzo "It begins with tears" (1997).
Adisa è stata artista residente presso prestigiose istituzioni quali Bi-national Fulbright Institute (Egypt), Sacatar Institute (Brazil), McColl Center for Visual Art (North Carolina) e Headlines Center for the Arts (California, USA). Il suo lavoro è stato recensito da Ishmael Reed, Al Young, e Alice Walker ("Color Purple"), che ha definito il suo lavoro come "storie solide, viscerali, importanti scritte con integrità ed amore..."
Dotata raccontatrice di storie africane e caraibiche, Adisa prosssegue la tradizione dei “griot” africani intrecciando storia e cultura per intrattenere ed informare sulle complessità e meraviglie della vita. Atraverso le sue fantasiose caratterizzazioni di persone, posti e cose, e la sua voce melodiosa, trasporta i suoi ascoltatori fino alla terra della meraviglia che riesce a creare.
Appassionata insegnante e critico letterario Dr. Adisa è stata professore di Creative Writing, Literature al California College of the Arts. Ha insegnato agli studenti di diverse università fra cui, Stanford University e University of California, Berkley & San Francisco State University. La sua poesia, racconti, saggi,e articolli su una vasta gamma di argomenti sono stati raccolti in più di 200 giornali, antologie e altre pubblicazioni fra cui Essence Magazine (December 2005 & February 2006). Inoltre ha tenuto corsi di scrittura e racconto nelle scuole dalle elementari alle superiori e in musei, chiese, e comunità, come pure in prigioni e centri giovanili.
Attualmente vive e insegna nei Caraibi nelle Isole Vergini.

Opal Palmer Adisa ha preso parte all'edizione 2009 di Napolipoesia nel Parco ed è stata ospite della "casa dei poeti"; nel 2010 ha anche preso parte agli Incontri internazionali di poesia di Sarajevo.
* Until Judgment Comes (short story collection), March 2007
* I Name Me Name (poetry collection), Peepal Tree Press, Sept-Oct 2006
* Eros Muse (poetry and essays), Africa World Press, March 2006 ISBN 1592213979
* Caribbean Passion (poetry collection) Peepal Tree Press, 2004
* The Tongue Is a Drum (poetry/jazz CD with Devorah Major), 2002
* Leaf-of-Life (poetry collection) Jukebox Press, 2000
* It Begins With Tears (fiction novel) Heinemann, 1997
* Tamarind and Mango Women (poetry collection) 1992 ISBN 0920813712
* Fierce Love (poetry/jazz recording with Devorah Major),1992.
* Traveling Women (short story collection with Devorah Major), Jukebox Press, 1989 ISBN 0932693016
* Bake-Face and Other Guava Stories (short story collection), Kelsey St. Press, 1986 ISBN 0932716202
* Pina, The Many-Eyed Fruit (children’s book) 1985
* Council for a performance of “Daughters of Yam,” with Devorah Major
* Pushcart Prize for the short story, "Duppy Get Her", 1987
* PEN Oakland/Josephine Miles Literary Award for Tamarind and Mango Women, 1992
* Writer in Residence for Wadastick Artists & Scholars at Laurel Hill, North Carolina
* Writer in Residence for the McColl “Tryon” Center for the Visual Arts in Charlotte, NC
* Distinguished Writer for the Middle Atlantic Writers Association
* Creative Work Fund Grant for “West Oakland Senior Citizen Oral History Project,” San Francisco, CA
* Nominated International Woman of the Year International Biography Center, England
* Canute A. Brodhurst Prize for "The Brethren," in The Caribbean Writer, University of the Virgin Islands, St Croix
* Writer-in-Residence, Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausaulito, California
* Daily News Prize for best poems in The Caribbean Writer, University of the Virgin Islands, St Croix
* Master Folk Artist for Storytelling, California Arts Council
* Distinguished Bay Area Woman Writer Award/California Legislative Assembly Certificate of presented by the National Women's Political Caucus
* Master Folk Artist for Storytelling, California Arts Council
* Creative Work Fund Grant for “West Oakland Senior Citizen Oral History Project,” San Francisco, California
* Creative Artist Fellowship Award for Storytelling, Cultural Funding Program, City of Oakland
Adisa is a compassionate teacher, accomplished storyteller, gifted diversity trainer, and celebrated writer whose work is described by Alice Walker as “Solid, visceral, important stories written with integrity and love.”
Opal Palmer Adisa, award winning poet, literary critic, prose writer, storyteller and artist, is an internationally acclaimed lecturer and artist. The Jamaica-born writer is author of several books of poetry and stories for both adults and children; Leaf-of-Life is her most recent poetry collection, and her latest novel is It Begins With Tears. Adisa’s Tamarind and Mango Women won the PEN Oakland/Josephine Miles Award. Her poetry, stories and articles have been anthologized widely in North America, the Caribbean, and Europe. Her work with musicians as a performance poet has resulted in two extraordinary audio recordings.
Adisa is a professor of literature and creative writing, and former chair of the Ethnic Studies/Cultural Diversity Program at the California College of the Arts. She has graced the campuses of
the University of California at Berkeley, Stanford University, and San Francisco State University. At the same time that she has taught at these institutions, she has also kept her commitment to
contribute to her community by conducting poetry, storytelling, and parenting workshops for teachers, educators, students, the indigent, “at-risk” young people, prisoners, and women on welfare.
Considered an expert in the area of cultural diversity, African American and Caribbean poetry and literature, Adisa regularly lectures and reads from her work on college campuses and other venues. Additionally, she is the Parenting Editor and host of a weekly radio program on KPFA, an affiliate of the Pacifica Radio Network.