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Lo stagno del demonio
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Christopher Dewdney
è nato a London, Ontario, Canada, nel 1951. Suo padre Selwyn Dewdney, è stato un noto archeologo, autore e storico.
"Grazie al lavoro di mio padre, sono cresciuto con una straordinaria quantità di storia nazionale e naturale, e in casa c'era tanta arte quanto scienza."
Che le poesie di Dewdney riflettono sia un interesse per l'arte che per la scienza si riscontra anche nel fatto che i suo libri si trovano sia nella sezione poesia che storia naturale negli scaffali di librerie e biblioteche.
"La mia poesia," dice, "è una distorsione della scienza. Penso di essere uno scienziato frustrato in poesia e un poeta frustrato in scienza. Molti poeti hanno dei pregiudizi nei confronti della scienza, una visione di se stessi come dei romantici in una torre, ma non io. io sono un naturalista, credo che scienza e natura siano tutt'uno, che la scienza sia uno strumento percettivo che ci permette di definire la natura in maniera più specifica. Alla fine la poesia ha a che fare con l'informazione."
Christopher Dewdney è uno dei più famosi e rispettati scrittori canadesi. Ha pubblicato 10 libri di poesia, che includono Predators of the Adoration e Radiant Inventory, entrambi nominati per il Governor General's Awards. Vincitore del primo premio della CBC Literary Competition, Christopher Dewdney ha ricevuto anche una terza nomina per il Governor General's Awards per The Immaculate Perception, un volume di saggi su coscienza, linguaggio e sogni.
Nel maggio del 1994 McClelland and Stewart ha pubblicato Demon Pond. Quill and Quire ha scritto che in Demon Pond "Dewdney ha subito una trasformazione; la sua poesia ha assorbito una maggiore umanità ed è stata toccata dall'amore, pur restando in contatto con gli dei."
Nel 1984 (insieme a William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Michael Ondaatje e Tom Waits) partecipò al documentario internazionalmente famoso Poetry in Motion. È una figura attiva nel panorama letterario del Nord America ed è stato pubblicato in Germania, Inghilterra, Cina, Spagna, India e Stati Uniti. Recentemente è apparso a TVO's Imprint, CBC's Newsworld and CITY TV e CBC Radio's Morningside and The Arts Tonight.
Molto noto per il suo spirito brillante ed irriverente, Christopher Dewdney è un ricercato conferenziere e lettore sia in Canada che negli Stati Uniti.
Dewney ha preso parte a Napolipoesia nel 2001.
Books (poetry)
* Children of the outer dark : the poetry of Christopher Dewdney. Selected with an introduction by Karl E. Jirgens; and an afterword by Christopher Dewdney. Waterloo, Ont. : Wilfrid Laurier University Press, c2007.
* Demon spawn. Christopher Dewdney; drawings by Jesse Huisken. Toronto : BookThug, 2002.
* Signal Fires. (A Natural History of Southwestern Ontario, books 3 and 4.) Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2000.
* Demon Pond. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1994.
* Concordat Proviso Ascendant. (A Natural History of Southwestern Ontario, book 3.) Great Barrington, MA: The Figures, 1991.
* The Radiant Inventory. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1988.
* Permugenesis: A Recombinant Text. (A Natural History of Southwestern Ontario, book 3.) Toronto: Nightwood Editions, 1987.
* Predators of the Adoration: Selected Poems, 1972-82. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1983.
* The Cenozoic Asylum. (A Natural History of Southwestern Ontario, book 2.) Liverpool: Delires, 1983.
* Spring Trances in the Control Emerald Night & The Cenozoic Asylum. (A Natural History of Southwestern Ontario, books 1 and 2.) Berkeley, California: The Figures, 1982.
* Alter Sublime. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1980.
* Spring Trances in the Control Emerald Night. (A Natural History of Southwestern Ontario, book 1.) Berkeley: The Figures, 1978.
* Fovea Centralis. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1975.
* A Palaeozoic Geology of London, Ontario: Poems and Collages. Toronto, Coach House Press, 1973.
* Golders Green: Poems and Crinoid Drawings. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1971.
Books (non-fiction)
* Soul of the world : unlocking the secrets of time. Toronto : HarperCollins, 2008.
* Acquainted with the night : excursions through the world after dark. tToronto : HarperCollins, 2004.
* Last Flesh: Life in the Transhuman Era. Toronto: Harpercollins, 1998.
* Nether Mind. Toronto: Nether Mind Artist Collective, 1995. (Art exhibition catalogue)
* The Secular Grail. Toronto: Somerville House, 1993.
* Recent Artifacts from the Institute of Applied Fiction. Montreal: McGill University Libraries, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, 1990.
* The Immaculate Perception. Toronto: Anansi, 1986.
* Judith Schwarz. Southern Alberta Art Gallery, 1986. (pamphlet)
* Jamelie Hassan, Material Knowledge: A Moral Art of Crisis. London, Ontario: London Regional Art Gallery, 1984.
Book Contributions
* Evans, Steve. Deep into the City. Photographs by Steven Evans; poetry by Christopher Dewdney; essay by George Kapelos; edited by Beth Kapusta. Toronto: S. Evans, 1995.
* "Standard Deviations." Dean, Tom. Tom Dean: A Traveling Exhibition. Essays by Christopher Dewdney, A.A. Bronson, and Catherine Crowston. North York, Ontario: The Gallery, 1992. 13-20.
* Grenville, Bruce. S. L. Simpson Gallery, 1980-1990. With Christopher Dewdney and Christopher Youngs. Toronto: S. L. Simpson Gallery, 1990.
* Hurlbut, Spring. Spring Hurlbut. Text by Christopher Dewdney. Vancouver: Contemporary Art Gallery, 1990. (art catalogue)
* Preface to The Inversion of the World: A Geo-Metaphorical Atlas by Richard Purdy. Toronto: Art Metropole, 1990.
* "Reference and Self: The Limits of Subjectivity." Blue Book 8: Dec. 7, 1988 Oct. 2, 1989. By Greg Curnoe. Toronto: Art Metropole, 1989. 175-79.
* Reitzenstein, Reinhard. The Psychic Symbolism of Reinhard Reitzenstein. Essays by Christopher Dewdney and Ted Fraser. Hamilton, Ontario: Hamilton Art Gallery, 1989.
* Dean, Tom. Tom Dean: Excerpts from a Description of the Universe, III. Essays by Christopher Dewdney and Tom Dean. Oakville, Ontario: Oakville Galleries, 1989.
* Theberge, Pierre. Michael Snow: Selected Photographic Works. Essays by Pierre Theberge and Christopher Dewdney. Los Angeles: Frederick S. Wight Art Gallery, 1983.
Periodical Essays
* "After Deep Blue." Saturday Night 113.3 (April 1998): 25-27.
* "Consciousness Projected." Descant 27.1-2 (Spring/Summer 1996): 41-44.
* "Power Dreams." Descant 23.1-2 (Spring/Summer 1992): 61-80.
* "Enigmatic Emblematic: The Internal Logic of Judith Schwarz's Sculpture." Canadian Art 6.4 (Winter 1989): 64-71.
* "Life at the Centre." Canadian Telecom November 1989: 35-38.
* "bpNichol, 1944-1988." Brick: A Journal of Reviews 34 (Fall 1988): 5.
* "Parasite Maintenance." Open Letter series 4 no. 6-7 (Winter 1980-81): 19-35.
Compiled and Edited
* De Kerckhove, Derrick. The Skin of Culture: Investigating the New Electronic Reality. Toronto: Somerville House Publishing, 1995.
Video and Sound
* Video Marquee. Produced by Victor Coleman. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1990. (cassette: poetry and music)
* Ungulate Siesta. With music by Tom Third. London, Ontario: Nightwood Editions, 1990. (cassette: poetry and music)
Other Publications (fiction and non-fiction)
* See Reviews by Christopher Dewdney
Awards and honours
* 1983 Finalist, Governor General's Award for Poetry (for Predators of the Adoration)
* 1986 Winner, CBC Literary Competition for Poetry (for A Natural History of Southwestern Ontario)
* 1986 Finalist, Governor General's Award for Poetry (for The Immaculate Perception)
* 1988 Finalist, Governor General's Award for Poetry (for The Radiant Inventory)
* 2004 Finalist, Governor General's Award for Non-Fiction (for Acquainted with the Night)
* 2005 Finalist, Charles Taylor Prize (for Acquainted with the Night)
* 2007 Harbourfront Festival Prize
What the critics say about his work:
"Christopher Dewdney's writing probes the world, lays it bare under the light of a restless intelligence."
"The originality of vision in Dewdney's work is startling."
"His insights are beautiful, provocative and haunting."
"Dewdney..takes his readers around the world in eighty words."
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