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Mohammed Bennis
Awards and distinctions

1993. The book prize in Morocco of creative writing, awarded for his collection The Gift of the void (poems).
2000. The Prize of Atlas for translation into French for his poem’s Collection River among the Mournful (poems).
2003. Chevalier des arts et des lettres, France.
2006. The Italian Prize of Calopezzati of Mediterranean Literature.
2006. An Honorary member of The International Association of Haiku in Tokyo.
2007. The Italian Ferronia Prize of International Literature.
2007. Al Oweis (Dubai) for his poetry works.

Publications in Arabic

1969, Anti-words (poems);
1972, On Oppression and joy (poems);
1974, Eternally Incandescent Face (poems);
1979, The Contemporary Moroccan Poetry (study);
1980, Toward your vertical Voice (poems); The Clean Wound of A. Khatibi (translation);
1985, The modernity of interrogation (essay);
1985, The Monsoons of the East (poems); 1988, The Leaf of Splendour (poems);
1989-1991, Modern Arabic Poetry (study);
1992, The Book of Love (poems);
1993, The Gift of the Void (poems);
1994, The Writing of Effacement (Texts on poetry and modernity); 1995, Rumour of air, collected poetry works of Bernard Noël (translation);
1996, The Pagan Place (poems);
1998, To cross to the Bleu Borders (Texts);
1999, Tomb of Ibn Arabi, Followed by 99 Stations of Yale, two collections of Abdelawahab Meddeb (translation);
2000, River Among the Mournful (poems);
2002, Poetry works; The Malady of Islam of Abdelwahab Meddeb (etude);
2003, Wine (poems); Inert Modernity (cultural journal);
2006, Right to poetry (essays);
2007, There you stay (poems);
2007, A Throw of Dace, poem of Stéphane Mallarmé (translation).

Translation into French

1995, Anti-journal of metaphor, on 33 colour-wash drawing by Colette Deblé, Jean-Michel Place éditeur, Saint-Denis ;
1999, The Gift of the Void (poems), l’Escampette, Bordeaux; Wine, (two series of poems) translation collective, Royaumont, France;
1999, Desert on the edge of the light (poem), Al Manar, Paris; Chant pour un jardin de l’eau (poem) translated by Abdellatif Laabi, Les petits classiques du grand pirate, Paris;
2003, River Among the Mournful (poems) l’Escampette, Bordeaux; 2008, The Book of love (poems) Al Manar, Paris.

Translation into Italian

2001, Il dono Del Vuoto, a cu di Fawzi Al Delmi, Edizioni San Marco de l Guistiani, Genova.

Translation into Spanish

2006, El Don Del Vacio (poemas) Frontispicio de Antonio Gamoneda, traducción de Luis Miguel Cañada, ediciones del oriente y del mediterráneo, Madrid.

Translation into Turkish

Askin Kitab (poems), Türkçesi Metin Findikçi, Kirmizi Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2008.
Mohammed Bennis è nato a Fès, in Marocco nel 1948. La sua prima raccolta di poesie fu pubblicata nel 1960 e al momento ha raggiunto le 11 raccolte. Ha amato la poesia fin da piccolo. Ha studiato filosofia a Fès, e dal 1980 ha insegnato alla Facoltà di Filosofia a Rabat. Nel 1971 fondò l'importante e influente rivista letteraria Al-Thakafa al-Jadida [Nuova Cultura], che ha continuato a pubblicare fino a quando nel 1984 fu vietato. Nel 1985, insieme ad un gruppo di professori universitari ed... mohmmed-bennis-1