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Christopher Dewdney
Books (poetry)

* Children of the outer dark : the poetry of Christopher Dewdney. Selected with an introduction by Karl E. Jirgens; and an afterword by Christopher Dewdney. Waterloo, Ont. : Wilfrid Laurier University Press, c2007.
* Demon spawn. Christopher Dewdney; drawings by Jesse Huisken. Toronto : BookThug, 2002.
* Signal Fires. (A Natural History of Southwestern Ontario, books 3 and 4.) Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2000.
* Demon Pond. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1994.
* Concordat Proviso Ascendant. (A Natural History of Southwestern Ontario, book 3.) Great Barrington, MA: The Figures, 1991.
* The Radiant Inventory. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1988.
* Permugenesis: A Recombinant Text. (A Natural History of Southwestern Ontario, book 3.) Toronto: Nightwood Editions, 1987.
* Predators of the Adoration: Selected Poems, 1972-82. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1983.
* The Cenozoic Asylum. (A Natural History of Southwestern Ontario, book 2.) Liverpool: Delires, 1983.
* Spring Trances in the Control Emerald Night & The Cenozoic Asylum. (A Natural History of Southwestern Ontario, books 1 and 2.) Berkeley, California: The Figures, 1982.
* Alter Sublime. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1980.
* Spring Trances in the Control Emerald Night. (A Natural History of Southwestern Ontario, book 1.) Berkeley: The Figures, 1978.
* Fovea Centralis. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1975.
* A Palaeozoic Geology of London, Ontario: Poems and Collages. Toronto, Coach House Press, 1973.
* Golders Green: Poems and Crinoid Drawings. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1971.

Books (non-fiction)

* Soul of the world : unlocking the secrets of time. Toronto : HarperCollins, 2008.
* Acquainted with the night : excursions through the world after dark. tToronto : HarperCollins, 2004.
* Last Flesh: Life in the Transhuman Era. Toronto: Harpercollins, 1998.
* Nether Mind. Toronto: Nether Mind Artist Collective, 1995. (Art exhibition catalogue)
* The Secular Grail. Toronto: Somerville House, 1993.
* Recent Artifacts from the Institute of Applied Fiction. Montreal: McGill University Libraries, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, 1990.
* The Immaculate Perception. Toronto: Anansi, 1986.
* Judith Schwarz. Southern Alberta Art Gallery, 1986. (pamphlet)
* Jamelie Hassan, Material Knowledge: A Moral Art of Crisis. London, Ontario: London Regional Art Gallery, 1984.

Book Contributions

* Evans, Steve. Deep into the City. Photographs by Steven Evans; poetry by Christopher Dewdney; essay by George Kapelos; edited by Beth Kapusta. Toronto: S. Evans, 1995.
* "Standard Deviations." Dean, Tom. Tom Dean: A Traveling Exhibition. Essays by Christopher Dewdney, A.A. Bronson, and Catherine Crowston. North York, Ontario: The Gallery, 1992. 13-20.
* Grenville, Bruce. S. L. Simpson Gallery, 1980-1990. With Christopher Dewdney and Christopher Youngs. Toronto: S. L. Simpson Gallery, 1990.
* Hurlbut, Spring. Spring Hurlbut. Text by Christopher Dewdney. Vancouver: Contemporary Art Gallery, 1990. (art catalogue)
* Preface to The Inversion of the World: A Geo-Metaphorical Atlas by Richard Purdy. Toronto: Art Metropole, 1990.
* "Reference and Self: The Limits of Subjectivity." Blue Book 8: Dec. 7, 1988 Oct. 2, 1989. By Greg Curnoe. Toronto: Art Metropole, 1989. 175-79.
* Reitzenstein, Reinhard. The Psychic Symbolism of Reinhard Reitzenstein. Essays by Christopher Dewdney and Ted Fraser. Hamilton, Ontario: Hamilton Art Gallery, 1989.
* Dean, Tom. Tom Dean: Excerpts from a Description of the Universe, III. Essays by Christopher Dewdney and Tom Dean. Oakville, Ontario: Oakville Galleries, 1989.
* Theberge, Pierre. Michael Snow: Selected Photographic Works. Essays by Pierre Theberge and Christopher Dewdney. Los Angeles: Frederick S. Wight Art Gallery, 1983.

Periodical Essays

* "After Deep Blue." Saturday Night 113.3 (April 1998): 25-27.
* "Consciousness Projected." Descant 27.1-2 (Spring/Summer 1996): 41-44.
* "Power Dreams." Descant 23.1-2 (Spring/Summer 1992): 61-80.
* "Enigmatic Emblematic: The Internal Logic of Judith Schwarz's Sculpture." Canadian Art 6.4 (Winter 1989): 64-71.
* "Life at the Centre." Canadian Telecom November 1989: 35-38.
* "bpNichol, 1944-1988." Brick: A Journal of Reviews 34 (Fall 1988): 5.
* "Parasite Maintenance." Open Letter series 4 no. 6-7 (Winter 1980-81): 19-35.

Compiled and Edited

* De Kerckhove, Derrick. The Skin of Culture: Investigating the New Electronic Reality. Toronto: Somerville House Publishing, 1995.

Video and Sound

* Video Marquee. Produced by Victor Coleman. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1990. (cassette: poetry and music)
* Ungulate Siesta. With music by Tom Third. London, Ontario: Nightwood Editions, 1990. (cassette: poetry and music)

Other Publications (fiction and non-fiction)

* See Reviews by Christopher Dewdney

Awards and honours

* 1983 Finalist, Governor General's Award for Poetry (for Predators of the Adoration)
* 1986 Winner, CBC Literary Competition for Poetry (for A Natural History of Southwestern Ontario)
* 1986 Finalist, Governor General's Award for Poetry (for The Immaculate Perception)
* 1988 Finalist, Governor General's Award for Poetry (for The Radiant Inventory)
* 2004 Finalist, Governor General's Award for Non-Fiction (for Acquainted with the Night)
* 2005 Finalist, Charles Taylor Prize (for Acquainted with the Night)
* 2007 Harbourfront Festival Prize

Christopher Dewdney è nato a London, Ontario, Canada, nel 1951. Suo padre Selwyn Dewdney, è stato un noto archeologo, autore e storico. "Grazie al lavoro di mio padre, sono cresciuto con una straordinaria quantità di storia nazionale e naturale, e in casa c'era tanta arte quanto scienza." Che le poesie di Dewdney riflettono sia un interesse per l'arte che per la scienza si riscontra anche nel fatto che i suo libri si trovano sia nella sezione poesia che storia naturale negli scaffali di...