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Ray McNiece
Ray, on Ray...

"I've heeded the calling of inner voice married to outer world. I'm blessed to be following a bliss that has carried me through college, six books of monologues and poems and co-editing one anthology of Buddhist poems, two solo stage shows, two historical character creations, numerous theatrical collaborations, several bands, and years of writing and performance workshops for students from kindergarten to college. A writer is here to listen as much as to speak, to learn as much as to teach, to give what has been given via the word."

Others, on Ray...

"...a born poet and a born performer..."
- - Yevgeny Yevtushenko, legendary Russian poet

"Ray McNiece is an adept reader of his own moving, clearly imaged poems, a skilled performer who does the English language justice. "
- X.J. Kennedy, Lamont Poetry Prize Winning Poet.

The Edinburgh Scotsman reported, "McNiece's characters are acutely observed, the speech patterns and mannerisms perfectly caught. In a review in dialogue, arts in the Midwest, John Stickney wrote, "McNiece lends these victims a face with a voice and words, not full of pity but with individual dignity."

"McNiece smoothly blends fine writing with an angry political conscience. His folksy but honed poems are drawn from the heart of the working class."
- Amy Sparks, Free Times

"A warm, wise, gracious guide through an infirm world, he teaches his leader how to love."
- David Evett, Cleveland State University Poetry Center
Ray McNiece si è guadagnato una fama internazionale come poeta e performer nei circa venti anni trascorsi a scrivere e rappresentare i suoi monologhi teatrali, le sue poesie e musiche. È stato per due volte capitano della squadra per il National Poetry Slam Championship, ha tenuto spettacoli e laboratori per bambini da lui stesso definiti "edutaining" (educazione/divertimento) e si è impegnato in tour annuali in tutto il paese recitando le sue poesie, i racconti e le canzoni. Ray è autore...