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pommy-vega-janine Bibliografia

Janine Pommy Vega

The Green Piano
Black Sparrow Press, David R. Godine, Publisher;
Carduff, Ed., Boston, MA,
130 pages; April 2005
Sulle Trace del Serpente (Tracking the Serpent)
Rome, Italy; 2007
Nell'era delle cavallette
(In the Age of Grasshoppers) Casa della Poesia,
Salerno, Italy;
Raffaella Marzano, Translator, Ed., 2004
The Walker
Shivastan Publishing, Mirabito, Ed.,
Woodstock , NY, 2003
Mad Dogs of Trieste: New & Selected Poems
Black Sparrow Press, Martin, Ed.,
Sta. Rosa, CA,
272 pages, July 2000
Tracking the Serpent
City Lights Books,
Peters, Ed.,
San Francisco, CA, 1997
Women of the Beat Generation:
The Writers, Artists and Muses at the
Heart of a Revolution
Brenda Knight, Conari Press,
Hardcover (1996) and Paperback (1998)
The Road to Your House Is A Mountain Road
Il Bagatto, Arcidosso , Italy
Landes-Levi, Ed., 1995
Red Bracelets
Heaven Bone Press,
Hirsch, Ed., Chester, NY, 1993
Threading the Maze
Cloud Mountain Press, Drake, Ed., Old Bridge, NJ , 1992
Island of the Sun
Longhouse, Arnold , Ed.,
Green River, Vermont , 1991
Drunk on a Glacier, Talking to Flies
Tooth of Time Press, Brandi, Ed.,
Santa Fé, N.M. , 1988
City Lights Books, Peters & Ferlinghetti, Eds.,
San Francisco, CA , 1988
Apex of The Earth's Way
White Pine Press, Maloney, Ed.,
Buffalo, NY 1984
The Bard Owl
Kulchur Press, Hornick, Ed.,
New York, NY, 128 pages, 1980
Journal of a Hermit & Under The Sky
Cherry Valley Editions.
Reprint with 30 additional pages of text
Here at the Door
Zone Press, DeForge, Ed., Brooklyn, NY, 1978
Morning Passage
Telephone Books, Owen, Ed.,
NY, NY, 1976
Journal of a Hermit
Cherry Valley Editions, C&P Plymell, Eds.,
Cherry Valley, NY. First printing 1974.
Second printing 1975
Poems to Fernando
City Lights Poet Pocket Series #22;
Ferlinghetti, Ed., San Francisco, CA, 1968


"Across the Table"
Poems recorded with music
in Woodstock, NY,
Italy & Bosnia,
The incandescent Vega makes outrage swing in “Habeas Corpus
Blues,” lamenting “a system I wish I could hang / from the highest tree”
with Nina Sheldon’s stride piano and Michael Esposito’s bass. Betty
MacDonald adds violin and vocal wizardry to several poems; five more
were recorded live in Italy and Bosnia. Bravissima!

Audio Book

Janine Vega
has recorded her poems
and a memoir of the Beats
for Audio Literature's
spoken word version of
"Women of the Beat Generation"


As We Cover the Streets:
Janine Pommy Vega
Written and Directed by
Kurt Hemmer,
Technical Production by Tom Knoff
Harper College, 2003
Habeas Corpus Blues
Performed with Jason Eisenberg.
Vernal Cabaret, Gershwin Hotel,
New York City, March 22, 2008,
a benefit for Nesenkeag Farm
Recorded by Laki Vazakas
Bird Mother of Cagliari
Performed with Jason Eisenberg
at Nesenkeag Farm,
New Hampshire
Recorded by Laki Vazakas

Anthologized in

Kvinnas Beat:
9 poeter fran beatnikeran
(Nine Beat Women Poets)
in Swedish, Smockadoll forlag, Sweden
Prison Culture:
A Catalog of The Prison Project
Intersection for the Arts with San Francisco
State University, City Lights Foundation
Bowery Women Poems
Bowery Books
The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry
Thunder's Mouth Press
Present Tense: Poets in the World
Hanging Loose Press
Shamanic Warriors Now Poets
RSR Publishing, Glasgow
An Eye for an Eye Makes the
Whole World Blind: Poets on 9/11
Regent Press
Waging Words for Peace
Niagara River Press
Poems for the Nation
Seven Stories Press
On Turtle's Back
White Pine Press
Up Late, American Poetry Since 1970
4 Walls 8 Windows
Out of This World
What We Know So Far
St. Martin's Press
City Lights Pocket Poets Anthology
City Lights Books
Women of the Beat Generation
Conari Press
American Poets Say Goodbye to the
20th Century
4 Walls 8 Windows
A Different Beat
High Risk Books

And as Editor, Anthologies

Candles Burn
in Memory Town
Sing Sing
Westchester County
Segue Books 1988
Ain't Nobody Gonna
Slow Me Down
Poets in Public Service
Willowbrook, S.I.,1989
Courage of Stones
Highland Residential Center
Ulster County, 1990
Carve Your Dreams
Bayview CF
NYC, 1990
Quiet Feelings,
Leaping Souls
Hudson Valley Secure Center
Dutchess County,1991
Travel Ceremonies
Bayview CF
NYC, 1991
Music from the Other Side
Poets in Public Service & Veritas
Sullivan County, 1992
These Are Successful Hands
Segue Books
Huntington House
NYC, 1994
No Boundaries
Segue Books
Woodbourne CF
Sullivan County, 1996
Voices Under
the Harvest Moon
Segue Books
Eastern CF
Ulster County, 1999
She has recorded her poems
and a memoir of the Beats
for Audio Literature's
spoken word version of
"Women of the Beat Generation"
She translated the poems of migrant workers in
upstate New York for a bi-lingual anthology
"Estamos Aquí"
Bowery Books

Grants from

New York State Council on the Arts
Project Grant as Director of Incisions/Arts, awarded each year for work in prisons from 1988 through 2008
AE Ventures
Literary Award based on body of work in poetry and prose, July 2008
Golda Award
Awarded for costs of studio time to record a music/spoken word CD. July 2005
Travel Grant through N.Y.F.A. and N.Y.S.C.A, to participate in International Poetry Festival, Pistoia, Italy, June, 2004
Golda Award
Awarded for The Green Piano , new ms. in progress, 2002
Puffin Foundation
Grant for Print Design of Eastern C.F. Poetry Anthology, 1998
Travel Grant through N.Y.F.A. and N.Y.S.C.A, to publicize
Tracking the Serpent through the American Southwest,
awarded 1997
Writers & Books Award
One month Writer's Retreat with Honorarium at the Gell Center, Finger Lakes District, NY, November 1998
New York State Council on the Arts
Networking Grant , 1995
Heaven Bone Chapbook Competition
First Place for Red Bracelets 1992
Janine Pommy Vega, a soli 16 anni andò da Union City, New Jersey, dove viveva, a New York in cerca della Beat Generation che aveva conosciuto attraverso i libri che leggeva. Incontrò Gregory Corso, e tramite lui gli altri scrittori. Dopo essersi diplomata si trasferì definitivamente a New York. Nell’autunno del 1962 lasciò l’America insieme a Fernando Vega e viaggiò con lui per tre anni in Israele ed Europa. Dopo la sua morte nel 1965 tornò in America e completò il suo primo libro...
Nell'era delle cavallette
Nell'era delle cavallette 2004 48 Quaderni di Casa della poesia