Nuova collaborazione Casa della poesia e il Fatto Quotidiano

kaufman-i-i-bob Bibliografia

Bob Kaufman

Abomunist Manifesto (broadside, City Lights, 1958)
Second April (broadside, City Lights, 1958)
Does the Secret Mind Whisper? (broadside, City Lights, 1959)
Solitudes Crowded with Loneliness (New Directions, 1965)
Golden Sardine (City Lights, 1967)
Watch My Tracks (Knopf, 1971)
Ancient Rain: Poems 1956-1978 (New Directions, 1981)
Cranial Guitar: Selected Poems by Bob Kaufman (Coffee House Press, 1996)

Ulteriori letture

* Abbott, Steve. "Hidden Master of the Beats." Poetry Flash (February 1986).
* Anderson, TJ III. "Body and Soul: Bob Kaufman's Golden Sardine." African American Review (Summer 2000).
* Charters, Ann (ed.). The Portable Beat Reader. Penguin Books. New York. 1992. ISBN 0-670-83885-3 (hc); ISBN 0-14-015102-8 (pbk)
* Cherkovski, Neeli. Elegy for Bob Kaufman. San Francisco, CA: Sun Dog Press (1996).
* Cherkovski, Neeli. Whitman's Wild Children. Venice, CA: Lapis (1988).
* Christian, Barbara. "Whatever Happened to Bob Kaufman?" Black World 21 (September 1972).
* Clay, Mel. Jazz Jail and God: Impressionistic Biography of Bob Kaufman. San Francisco, CA: Androgyne Books (1987).
* Damon, Maha. "'Unmeaning Jargon'/Uncanonized Beatitude: Bob Kaufman, Poet." South Atlantic Quarterly 87.4 (Fall 1988).
* Foye, Raymond. "Bob Kaufman, A Proven Glory." The Poetry Project Newsletter (March 1986).
* Kaufman, Eileen. "Laughter Sounds Orange at Night." In The Beat Vision: A Primary Sourcebook. Eds. Arthur Knight and Kit Knight. New York: Paragon (1967).
* Lindberg, Kathryne V. "Bob Kaufman, Sir Real." Talisman 11 (Fall 1993).
* Seymore, Tony. "Crimes of a Warrior Poet." Players Magazine (December 1983).
* Winans, AD. "Bob Kaufman." The American Poetry Review (May/June 2000).
Bob Kaufman (Robert Garnell Kaufman) nacque il 18 aprile, a new Orleans, Louisiana, primo di tredici figli. Sua madre era una nera cattolica della Martinica, suo padre un tedesco ebreo ortodosso. Da bambino Kaufman prese parte a servizi religiosi sia cattolici che ebraici; venne anche a contatto con le credenze voodoo della sua nonna materna. All’età di tredici anni, scappò di casa e si arruolò nella Marina Mercantile, sopravvisse a quattro naufragi e circumnavigò il globo per ben nove...