Nuova collaborazione Casa della poesia e il Fatto Quotidiano
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Devorah Major
, nata a Berkeley e trasferitasi a due anni a San Francisco in California, nipote di immigrati, regolari e irregolari, lavora come scrittrice, editor, insegnante di scrittura e di poesia, performer.
Vive come moglie, madre, nonna, zia, nipote, cugina e amica.
Terzo poeta laureato della città di San Francisco, pluripremiata scrittrice di poesie, fiction, saggistica e professore al California College of the Arts e poet-in-residence del Museo di Belle Arti di San Francisco. Ha fatto tournée a livello internazionale in Italia, Bosnia, Giamaica, Venezuela, Belgio, Inghilterra e Galles e in tutti gli Stati Uniti.
Ha collaborato con organizzazioni e gruppi che si occupano di poesia afro-americana, beat-poetry e poesia di resistenza.
Due i romanzi e quattro libri di poesia pubblicati. Il primo romanzo, An Open Weave, è stato premiato con il First Novelist Award dal Black Caucus dell’American Library Association, edito da Seal Press e successivamente venduto a Women’s Press di Londra e poi rivenduto come copywriting a Signature Press. Curbstone Press ha pubblicato il suo secondo romanzo (nel quale sono inserite poesie), Brown Glass Windows, accolto con entusiasmo dalla critica. City Lights Publishing ha pubblicato le raccolte Where river meets ocean nel 2006, And then we became nel 2016 e Creative Arts Books, Inc. ha edito il suo terzo libro di poesia, With more than tongue.
Nel 2002 ha ricevuto il California Arts Council Spoken Word Literary Arts Fellowship.
Per oltre vent’anni ha fatto parte del duo Daughters of Yam con Opal Palmer Adisa, pubblicando un libro, due chapbook, una cassetta di poesia e jazz e un CD di poesia e jazz.
Poesie, racconti e saggi sono stati pubblicati in diverse antologie tra cui: So Long Been Dreaming: Post-Colonial Science Fiction, Mojo: Conjurer Tales, Drum Voices Review, So Much Thing to Say, Heartspeak, Saints of Hysteria, 100 Poets Against the War, So Luminous the Wildflowers, Rites of Passage, Black Silk, Bum Rush the Page: Def Poetry Jam, Girls Like Us, Father Songs, Streetlights: Urban Stories of the Black Experience, Thoughts to Savor, I Hear A Symphony, Poetry Like Bread e in molte riviste e giornali tra cui Caribbean Interview, Essence, The New Progressive, Caribbean Writer, Left Curve, Essence, River Styx, Black Scholar, Callaloo, Obsidian, Paterson Literary Review e Zyzzyva.
Ha ricevuto il riconoscimento Pushcart per il suo racconto/poema, A Crowded Table e ha scritto due libri di storia per ragazzi: Rosa Parks: Freedom Fighter e Frederick Douglas: A Hero for All Times (1999).
Nel 2004 la Oakland East Bay Symphony l’ha incaricata, in collaborazione con il compositore Guillermo Galindo, di scrivere e recitare Trade Route, una sinfonia con testi e coro, rappresentata nel 2005.
Nel 2015 il dramma in versi Classic Black: African Americans in 19th Century San Francisco è stato rappresentato al San Francisco International Arts Festival.
Oltre al CCA, ha insegnato al New College e tenuto conferenze a San Jose State, Humboldt College, San Francisco State College, Stanford University e San Francisco City Colleges.
Ha inoltre tenuto numerosi corsi di scrittura creativa e poesia in molti college ed università.
afroamericane, splendida voce della jazz-poetry.
È stata ospite di Casa della poesia nel 2003 e nel 2005, e invitata a: "Napolipoesia" (2001), "Il cammino delle comete" (2003), "Altre Americhe" (Napoli, 2005), "Incontri internazionali di poesia di Sarajevo" (2006), “VersoSud” (Reggio Calabria) nel 2007, a “Napolipoesia nel Parco” nel 2009.
Nel 2019 viene pubblicato da Multimedia Edizioni il suo primo libro "italiano", "A braccia aperte", nella traduzione di Raffaella Marzano.
Nel 2022 riceve il Premio internazionale Casa della poesia "Regina Coppola" e tiene un nuovo tour in Italia.
Traveling women, con Opal Palmer Adisa, (Juke Box Press 1989)
Street smarts,(Curbstone Press 1996, PEN Oakland/Josephine Miles Award)
With More Than Tongue (Creative Arts Book Company, 2003)
Where River Meets Ocean (San Francisco Poet Laureate Series) (City Lights Foundation Books, 2003)
The Other Side of the Postcard (City Lights Foundation Books, 2005)
An Open Weave, (Seal Press 1995- First Novelist Award from the American Library Associations Black Caucus)
Brown Glass Windows, (Curbstone Press, 2002)
fierce/love, audio cassetta (con Opal Palmer Adisa)
Her work has been published in several anthologies and magazines, including The Single Mother’s Companion, Practicing Angels, River Styx, Calalloo and Zyzzyva
An Interview With San Francisco Poet Laureate Devorah Major
Q. Perhaps you could give us your feelings at this point, half a year into things as San Francisco's Poet Laureate, about the position. Is it what you expected? More fun, less fun? What opportunities, obstacles have you encountered? What have you accomplished so far, what is out there on your horizon as goals?
A: I find myself caught in the ease it would have been to talk and the work of the word when it falls in lines across the page. That said: the answers.
I had no real expectations, other than the fact that things would change in my life as a writer. And it has decreased the incline, and smoothed a bit of the pavement on the road which I have travel and have traveled for decades. Now, there are even more performances, there is more inclusion on panels, there are more opportunities to help support poetry activities in and out of this area.
The range of my voice has been widened. You, for example, are talking with me and that wouldn't have happened six months ago. Yet my work is essentially the same work. That is my work as writer, as poet, as poet performer, as poet-in-residence has not gone through any startling developments. But the fact is you are not seeking me out because of the work, my work, as poet, but indeed because of my position as San Francisco's third poet laureate. Yet it was my work, that got me the position.
A strange spiral, this journey as P.L., so often I find myself circling around the body, rather than diving into the heart of poetry.
I am not sure what I have accomplished so far. So far as what? How do you measure accomplishment if one appears at an event, speaks on a panel, raises issues, encourages thought, reads a poem, is read a poem? What's the standard? Where's the scale? Is there a six months quotient, one year, term?. When a plant turns from seed to food crop, who gets the credit? The one who planted it? The one who fed it? The one who watered it? The one who tied up the sapling? The one who harvested?
There are three stated duties for the poet laureate of San Francisco. One is to make a "state of poetry in Sam Francisco" address. I did that in April. The text of that address will be one part of my forthcoming poetry book, where river meets ocean (City Lights 2003). This will be the third book in City Lights Publishing Poet Laureate Book Series following, of course, Laurence Ferlinghetti's San Francisco Poems and Janice Mirikitani's Love Works. A second stated objective is that the poet laureate participate in some way in the San Francisco International Book Fair. That wonderful festival is currently on hiatus, however in its stead I was a part of an exciting Litquake, a weekend literary arts festival that took place in San Francisco in October.
The third obligation is to create some kind of a project. I am still planning but should have the project moving in the next few months.
Oh... and yes, all in all, it is definitely fun!
Q. As you say, accepting the position of poet laureate has increased attention to what you "do" as a writer, now Devorah Major has the chance to "be more Devorah" in the public eye.
A. I am in the public eye more, but I am as much of myself as I always was.
Q. With the increased attention, has your awareness of your own writing as a public act altered at all?
My main issue is that I have less time to write, and am expected to do any number of things which pull me from the core work of being a poet. Writing remains a case of some days chicken, some days feathers.
Q. To what extent do you see the act of writing as a public act or fulfilling a social/political role for you?
A. The acting of writing is, for me, a private act. I write alone, rewrite alone. On the other hand, I see poetry as both a written and an oral art form. It comes fully to life when lifted from the page and given the breath of air to shape its meaning. Thus performance is a public act, but writing private. And in pubic performance the poem changes. Rhythm, inflection, accent, all color the way an audience receives a poem, and the audience, in its action and interaction, in turn effects the performance, the reading of the poem.
In terms of politics I am not sure we use the word in the same way. I know that there is a definition that views the political as a world with people in one sphere and politics in another, sometimes overlapping sphere, that supports or impedes their lives. But I see all life as political. Do we choose to be wasteful or recycle? Do we choose to be work to become better parents, better neighbors, better people? These are political choices.
So, I also see all art as political, whether by commission or omission.
The choice of what to focus on is a political act, the choice of what to reveal or conceal is a political act, the choice of what to assert or deny is a political act. The choice of writing for a broad audience, or writing a text that can only be understood with a specialized vocabulary and particular aesthetic training is a political act. The choice of being a formalist and only writing in accepted Euro- specific poetic forms, or writing experimental verse, or writing with a myriad of approaches and styles are all not just artistic choices, but because of their cultural impact, also political acts.
But that does not mean that creating art is, or should be, an act of creating propaganda. It is not about doctrine, or political parties, but about the body politic. By the same token, bringing poetry as performance, as written art, or as writing workshops to people in schools and jails, libraries and half-way houses, homeless shelters and community centers is also a political act. Encouraging people to not only listen and hear, but also to use their own voices to critically examine their selves, their lives, and the world around them, is a political act.
To have people not just consciously or unconsciously purchase and consume the culture around themselves, but to be conscious and involved arts creators and presenters, as well as arts supporters is also a political act
All of which is to say I don't find the act of writing, performing, or being a writer in residence as a "role" that I fulfill; it is simply the work that I do.
Q. How would you assess the social/political role of the poet as an element in the stream of poetry on the contemporary San Francisco writing scene?
A. I was recently at a community arts meeting where a local poet and novelist, Peter Plate, commented that we should "use history to fight amnesia." I understood the amnesia as something that clouds our minds and makes us keep recreating the wheel, keep seeing everything as new so that we don't really progress, don't find new solutions because we keep retrying ones that were tested and found to be ineffective- an amnesia that prevents us from being able to access and use the experience of the past as one tool in the struggle for the future.
I think that the artist, the poet being one kind of artist, should be on the front lines of fighting this amnesia, helping people to remember, to look and to see; reminding us to feel in a time when drugs, mass media, dissatisfying work situations, etc. seem directed at making us more and more numb.
I have always used my art as one way to struggle with and for humanity. In the Bay Area, I am in good company.
Q. Where do you weigh in on the "Fallen Western Star" debate, wherein some literary critics are discussing the vitality and centrality of San Francisco as a vortex for poetry in America.
A. San Francisco is a special place. Besides the geographical beauty of the place, there are ways cultures mix, blend, collide, and inform each other artistically, spiritually, physically that produces some very dynamic art. Our diversity seems to be a fertile bed for innovation and experimentation, and at the same time a growing foundation creating interconnectedness within and between communities. We do have it going on out here! Is it happening in other places too?
Of course, but there is no doubt about it, the Bay Area has a whole lot of dedicated, focused and evolved talent in poetry and spoken word.
>in: Poetrybay.com
* * * * *
By Paul S. Flores
“It’s not just about how one can manipulate language. It’s not just about how one can play with words. It’s about what you are saying about the cultural realities of this moment. What you are saying about these truths. And truths do wear cultural clothes.”
devorah major
I first heard devorah major read her poetry at the now defunct Nu Upper Room in Oakland during November of 1996. She was opening that night for Amiri Baraka, the famously political and controversial Poet Laureate of New Jersey. Like her fellow poet laureate, devorah major has a strong desire to tell the cultural truth, even if it upsets some people. To hear her read her poetry, either with musical accompaniment or a cappella, is like listening to a Fillmore blues…young women having a night out, old men lamenting the loss of something too fragile to describe, lovers going from break up to make up; while in the background wars are waged by irresponsible men at the cost of many poor people’s lives. Indeed, writing any other way would contradict her character and upbringing.
The Berkeley born, San Francisco-based writer is as much a product as a witness of the cultural transformations of the Bay Area. Her mother Helen is a Jewish American painter. Her father is the African American Caribbean writer Reginald Major, who used to bring Beat poet Bob Kaufman around the house while the family lived in North Beach. As a high school student devorah participated in the student strikes at San Francisco State University, and was among those in the first class to enter the newly established Black Studies Department in 1969. Later she would become one of the first Black poets to receive a California Arts Council writing fellowship. Her first book of poetry, street smarts (1996), introduced her rhythmic, compassionate and powerful lyrics about the African American urban community to a wide poetry-reading public. In her newest book, the novel Brown Glass Windows (2002), she looks at a family in the Fillmore District struggling with transitions forced upon them by the violence of gentrification. In April 2002 she was named the third Poet Laureate of San Francisco. Her new book of poems with more than tongue will be out February 2003 from Creative Arts Books, and where river meets ocean will be available from City Lights in Fall 2003.
Six years after I first heard her read we met at Modern Times bookstore in the Mission District of San Francisco, where I found out that her first novel, An Open Weave (1997), was out of print. We made our way to one of the many cafes on Valencia Street. As animated in conversation as she is when performing, the dynamics of her personality go from a whisper one moment, to laughing out loud the next.
Paul Flores: Can you tell me how being raised in the Bay Area affected your writing, or influenced you to become a writer?
devorah major: I think anybody is affected by wherever you are born. If you were born in Kalamazoo, you write with the experience of somebody born in Kalamazoo. There are a lot of cultures in the Bay Area. I remember in elementary school having a friend who was Korean, and trying to understand the difference between Korean, Japanese and Chinese cultures. That’s not the kind of conversation you’re going to have in Kalamazoo. You know what I mean? When I went to school, there were very few Mexicans, but a whole lot of Spaniards.
PF: Really? So they said, ‘I’m not Mexican, I’m Spanish?’
dm: You got it. (Laughter) And it wasn’t until I got to be an adult that I realized: Wait
a minute! Where did all the Spanish go?
PF: It must have been interesting to realize they were Mexicans all the time.
dm: I remember that epiphany when I realized that I had been talking to certain families with certain kinds of cultural and class issues. Those kinds of awarenesses. Still, I think your whole vocabulary is different being from the Bay Area, because you have all these cultures. It broadens you because it’s all right here. Whereas many other places may be much more pristine. I was in Arizona for the first time this year. And it’s European American and Native American, Mexicano and Chicano, and some Blacks. I mean, there were a few Asians, but that’s pretty much it. It’s very different from here. I mean, right across the street is an Arab restaurant, next to a Vietnamese place. Look at where we are. We’re in a presumably Latino community, but everybody’s here. Everybody’s represented.
PF: So that type of presence, of not only multicultural representation but also the over lapping of different cultural experiences, had a lot to do with your writing?
dm: I think it gives you a more generous worldview.
PF: That would be necessary to be a poet, in a sense. Do you think?
dm: Well, no. There are plenty of right wing poets (Laughter). I’d love to say yes. But I think that certainly to be a poet that resounds with regular people, a broader community, and not simply the elite, a more generous worldview allows you to cross more boundaries and more borders. Because you don’t acknowledge borders the same way as someone who has an aerial view, or perhaps a more elitist, hierarchical view that there is a best culture.
PF: I remember when you read at San Francisco State for a group called Coalition who was trying to raise political awareness in the Creative Writing Department. I think it was right when your book street smarts came out in 1996 or 1997. You read this poem about how some writers manipulate language, deconstructing it through poetry. You were criticizing the project of Language Poetry, which I felt was very radical at the time because Language poetry was such a strong part of the curriculum in the San Francisco State Creative Writing Department. Can you talk a little about that? What was that poem called?
dm: I think you’re talking about “Cultural Assumptions.” There were a couple of reasons why I wrote that poem. I had an experience where I had received a California Arts Council Writing Fellowship. They didn’t have spoken word then, so it was just as a poet. This was in 1989, I believe. I found out through the grapevine that when they put together that panel and decided to give the writing fellowships out, not one poet of color in the state of California received a fellowship. So the two poets of color on the panel raised hell. They said, “this is because the panel is loaded with Language Poets.” And Language Poets did not consider Narrative Poetry to be as pure a form of poetry. They kind of dissed Narrative Poetry. Yet the majority of poets of color write narrative poetry. So the Arts Council said you’re going to have to look at this, because this is problematic. They had to reevaluate the top poets, and I was right at the cut off. And what ended up happening is that Carolyn Lau got one, Duane Big Eagle got one, I got one…maybe five out of 25 fellowships went to poets of color.
After that, the Gerbode Fund did a Writing Fellowship—it’s never happened again. We all applied because it was something like $25,000. It was real sweet money. Eight poets were funded, including one poet of color, Duane Big Eagle. And every other poet was not only white, but they were all Language Poets. Duane was so angry; he invited me, Jorge Argueta and somebody else to the ceremonial reading. Each of the Gerbode fellows was given time to read, and Dwayne brought the multicultural poets, and gave us his time to read our poems. Then he did a rant against the Language Poets cultural assumptions and how all these voices had been marginalized. I mean, when you’re marginalized, you’re at least on the page. But we weren’t even on the book. That experience sat in me. So I found myself thinking about that way of evaluating poetry, that you look at language and act like it’s this objective standard. There is no such thing as objective; it’s always from where you sit. Where you sit influences what you see. So for me it was very important to find a way to say that. It’s not just about how one can manipulate language. It’s not just about how one can play with words. It’s about what you are saying about the cultural realities of this moment. What you are saying about these truths. And truths do wear cultural clothes.
PF: So that was in 1989. And when you were named Poet Laureate earlier this year, it basically affirmed that a poem like that is real, and that your poetry was valuable.
dm: Well, at least for the people that were on the panel, right? Some people say my poetry is raw. Some people who might not have thought my poetry was worthy ten years ago, probably were right. Ten years ago, I was not nearly as good a writer as I am now. I’m hoping ten years from now I can say the same thing again. It’s not like you stop growing. You keep engaging it. I look at some old poems and some of them are loose or floppy, and yet they’re published. Although there’s some fire there that I admire, there’s some sloppy craft I can see now, that I couldn’t see then. So you never know if it’s that people haven’t kept up and they’re judging your old work. Or that they have kept up and they simply think that your work is not deserving. Which is actually fine, we have different standards. There are language poets with plenty of accomplishments who are not talking about anything. Actually, I appreciate some language poetry. The way they can jump from non sequitur to non sequitur and the way they put together words without relying on metaphor, making a word do what it does. I actually appreciate it as an exercise. But it doesn’t speak to my soul. I listen to Jazz, Blues and R& B because it talks to me. It’s the same in poetry. I can appreciate Bach intellectually, but it’s not stirring my insides.
PF: So do you think by giving you the award of Poet Laureate they are affirming your style of poetics as something that is agreeable to the majority of people?
Dm: I think what they are affirming is that there are many paths. Why I found it exciting to be named Poet Laureate was that I am not a writer of the academe. Nor is Lawrence Ferlinghetti or Janice Mirakitani (previous San Francisco Poet Laureates). So that’s kind of neat. Normally, these kinds of awards go to writers of the academia. It’s a certain tract. At this point, you get an MFA or a Ph.D., and you get published by a university press. You build a reputation and you go up the ladder. There are certainly some good writers who have gone that way. But it’s only one path. Mine is also a valid path. The Poet Laureate panel is a committee of some poets, librarians–some of this, some of that. They found in my work poetry that spoke to a lot of communities and a lot of people. So that was affirming that they felt I had a voice that transcended my culture and my gender. I am my culture and I am my gender. But I want to be human, too.
PF: I want to ask you a question that you’ve been touching on. What role does race play in literature? In the whole aspect: in publishing, performance, education, reviews, awards. What role does race play in the universe of literature?
Dm: First, I think you have to separate race from culture. In race, Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas is Black, of African descent. In culture he is European. You need to be clear that there is a difference. Which is to say: A writer of African descent who writes a credible book—let’s say a How To book like: How To Fix Your Car— will have as much likelihood of getting published as a European American if they write it in a mainstream style. So race and culture are not the same. To me, what you’re talking about is writing that has a cultural message. So if a writer is an Italian American, that’s OK. If one is Jewish, that’s also, OK. You will find these writers in the general fiction or poetry section of the bookstore. But if one likes African American writers, you’ll have to go to the Black section of the bookstore. Because that’s ethnic writing. (Laughter). So that’s why I’m talking about people of different culture.
Since the publishing industry found out that Black people can read—there used to be laws against it—certainly, there’s been more publication opportunities for writers of African descent. But mostly they want stories that seem to support what they (major publishers) want to know or hear about the Black experience. Let’s take Sapphire for example. I have to say I have much respect for Sapphire, as a poet and a novelist. It’s no wonder that Sapphire got, I believe, a $100,000 advance for Push. But what is it? It’s a book about a sexually abused fourteen year-old whose father gives her not only two children, but AIDS. Of course! Not to say that it’s not a valid book for Sapphire to write, that it wasn’t an interesting book, that it wasn’t a good read, that it didn’t deserve to be out there. But there is a reason that that book was supported on such a large level. There’s a reason that those tell-all, exploitation books are being put out in front.
There is a lot of really excellent writing being done. Luckily, because there is a fairly healthy small press movement going on—I don’t know for how long with the economic situation being what it is—there are a lot of good books coming out. I mean, you’re out. Erasure by Percival Everett, an experimental Black novel, was just a wonderful book. It deals with race and all kinds of stuff in a new way. It’s out and got some awards somewhere. So I think that there is more coming out on a lot of small presses. But we’re not being supported on the level we’re at; there’s not the depth of voices. I mean, there’s one Toni Morrison, there’s one Alice Walker. So the major publishers seem to think we don’t need any more literature working on those levels. You know what I mean? But we can have lots of Bebe Moore Campbells and Terry McMillans. That level can be expanded.
The publishing industry has changed its positions. It used to be that a writer with a book that had respectable success was called a mid-list author. Somebody with the kind of success I had with my first book, An Open Weave, would immediately get a major press to take on their second book. Maybe even a contract for a second and a third book. They would put people with an editor who would shepherd your work through. That was the old industry before Coca-Cola and other corporations took over. With the new industry, if your first book didn’t sell 50,000 copies they don’t want to talk to you. My paperback run for An Open Weave was 25,000 copies, and now it’s out of print. No reprints. It’s a different world. Capitalism is about selling product.
PF: How do you deal with race in your own writing? How does race appear as part of your own writing?
dm: Culture appears. I’m serious. I write about what I think I know. Though I’m writing science fiction now. No, not sci-fi. It’s Speculative Fiction. As opposed to magical realism, this is absolutely speculative fiction. I don’t know as much about that, so I’m feeling my way more. But in the first two books, I wrote about Black families and Black communities. Although I made up the city in An Open Weave, I had a lot of visions of Englewood, New Jersey, which is a small town where my grandparents lived and we would visit during the summer. I wanted a small town with that kind of feel. But I used the geography of Southern California, because I knew Southern California geography. But in terms of what does a small town city feel like, I used the experience I had of Englewood, in which the part where we lived was all Black. Brown Glass Windows takes place in the Fillmore District of San Francisco. I came to adulthood in Fillmore; I’ve lived most of my adult life in Fillmore. So I wrote about a community I knew. There are rhythms of voice, and there’s music within my novels.
PF: I feel like it can be debated whether Fillmore is a Black community anymore, or has it been gentrified? Would you still consider Fillmore a Black community now?
dm: Well, the three blocks I’m in. (Laughter) I live in a co-op where they tore down the block to build it. Our co-op little area of the Hayes Valley is predominately Black. But of course, the Fillmore has been taken over. It’s in transition. There’s still a Black community there, I don’t think it’s debatable. In numbers, in businesses, and residents… It’s just a very fractured community. But that’s why they play to the Black vote there. If Black candidates run and win it’s because the Black vote there is present and progressive. Certainly, you don’t recognize Fillmore Street anymore, that’s what the book is about. But when I grew up it was still Black. When I was there I read poetry at Minnie’s Can Do Club. It was a Black-owned wine and beer club on Fillmore. They had open readings on Tuesday nights. It was the first place that Ntzoke Shange did “For Colored Girls…”. She was just doing poems from the play then; it hadn’t become a full show yet. When I saw “Colored Girls” in New York, I recognized some of the poems she used to read at Minnie’s. It was Black then.
PF: Why do you spell your name with lower case letters?
dm: Well, the way I started it was because my poems were in all lower case. Because I wanted the words to be valued for what they were. So that “The” didn’t have more value because it started a sentence. And someone’s name that just happens to be that name didn’t have more value than the act they did: ‘A man named John picked up a gun and shot his wife.’ John! On the page, to look at, the act of shooting his wife is not as important as the name. I thought that differentiating probably did something unconscious to you. So I started writing my poems all in lower case and just my name would be in upper case. Then I thought, ‘so now what am I saying?’ When you look at it on a page the name pops out. When you see poet’s names on a page with a poem in lower case, the name immediately jumps out before the poem, and I didn’t want that to happen. So I was equalizing it. The Rastas use i and i, and they write i and i in lower case. Because it’s not you and me, and it’s not I, a proper noun. If you think about a sentence, ‘I am doing this, and you are doing that.’ I am more important. Not just because I’m first, but because that’s the way you see it on the page. I was trying to make it all equal so people could find the value in the words. And it just naturally spun into my name.
PF: I have a two-part question. Recently you participated in the Living Word Literary Arts Festival in San Francisco, and one of the themes of the festival was “The Possibilities of Language.” First, what does that mean to you? Second, what do you see happening in the local writing community that interests you?
dm: If thoughts are things, and I do believe that thoughts are things, and if words are expressions of the things that thoughts are, then language can be a starting point to create change, to shape alternatives, to shape solutions, to shape actions. Before one acts one has the thought—unless we are dealing with a flight or fight kind of thing where it’s pure instinct—and the thought has a word, and that’s language. So language is very vital in these times, where we are in fact being so manipulated by the powers that be, manipulated to fear. Because the language is being used to keep people afraid. So while they are dismantling the Bill of Rights, people are saying, ‘Well, it’s better to be safe than sorry.’ It’s being done with the language.
So the possibilities of language for positive and negative are vast. It certainly is contingent upon us to find ways to be clear and speak truth, so people will hear and say, ‘This is truth. I feel it in my gut.’ And that is something that can be done with language. If enough people see truth they’ll move in the right way. I believe people are moving in the wrong way because they don’t understand it’s the wrong way. Except for a few people who don’t care because they want to run the universe. I mean, relatively speaking, most people want their families, they want a roof over their head, they want clothes, and a little leisure time.
In terms of writers in the Bay Area, I think that question is almost too big. There are a lot of exciting things happening. I love a lot of writers in the Bay Area. I love Marvin White, I think he’s fabulous. I love G. E. Patterson, who I probably shouldn’t call a Bay Area writer. He’s in the Bay Area for a few months every year. And of course, Opal (Palmer Adisa). I think that spoken word is not the same as writing, although people may write it down. It’s not the same as poetry, although it may interface. There’s more attention in poetry paid to issues of rhythm, metaphor, concise language, use of repetition sparingly. The words work on the page and live. As opposed to many spoken word artists who are dynamite when you hear them, but when you read them on the page they flatten out a lot. That’s because it’s spoken word, not written word! You have that difference because it’s in its life as spoken word; it’s not alive written as poetry. In spoken word there’s a nuance that turns and flips it that makes it good. Sometimes that’s effective, but sometimes people can rely on it and seem to do the same thing. The first two times you saw it, you were like ‘Wow!’ But then you find out that was their repertoire.
PF: Are you saying that poetry has more cultural value than spoken word?
dm: We don’t know until it stands the test of time. The reason I have always performed my poetry is that poetry is oral art. Absolutely. I think that it doesn’t live until it’s performed. So, no, I don’t think poetry has more value. What I think is that poets who perceive of themselves in that way spend more time looking at what the words are doing and how they’re doing it. Whereas my experience has been that spoken word artists will know they have a righteous idea, and it’s a crowd-pleaser. It works—at least it works when they do it. But what about when you die? Can somebody else pick that up and do it? Will it still resound? Will it last for five years, ten years or twenty-five years? Rumi is the best selling poet in America right now, and he’s been dead for centuries. That’s what I want my work to do. I want it to be around one hundred years from now, when I’m not. I want to get that good. And I don’t think I’m that good, but that’s how clean I want to be. How accessible. Because that means people who haven’t gone to college are buying books by Rumi, you know what I mean? All kinds of Arab peasants are quoting Rumi and talking about Rumi. And I think that aspiring to make that kind of cultural breath that lasts requires an assiduousness to craft that is not always present in spoken word today.
PF: I don’t think people would argue with you. I think most spoken word artists know what they’re doing and they write to get on the mic, first and foremost. So I think that is a fair critique or estimation of the two. However, spoken word is very popular and has a lot of people interested, whereas I feel that poetry still doesn’t get read that much.
dm: One reason is because the poetry that was exciting in performance isn’t seen that often. So most people get poetry shoved down their throats in school, and it left a very bad taste in their mouth, possibly a wretched case of indigestion. People are afraid of it. People already know they don’t like it. So it’s not because of the form. When I go into any high school I don’t do spoken word. I do poetry. I learn my stuff. I perform it. I know a lot of it by heart. I must say that spoken word has driven me to learn more off book. I was an actress; it’s not that big of a thing to learn lines. But I did that specifically for young people because they want to engage you while you’re performing. I do that. I’m not going to have the rhythms that a spoken word artist will; I’m a different generation. But I can still be as entertaining. Which is part of what spoken word does, it entertains. It’s relevant, it’s political, it’s now but it’s entertaining, too. And that’s why it’s gotten so popular. Because it’s all of those things. Who wants to be bored? I’ve been to some poetry readings, because I was on the bill, and I’ve been like ‘Oh God, please.’
And that’s why people have that response to poetry. Because there are so many poets who do not understand that their role is to excite, to bring the news, to be a sound, to be a match. They didn’t understand poetry in that way. They didn’t deliver it in that way. So it has got a bad rap. Historically, that’s not what poetry was. I understand that Kamau D’aood (from Los Angeles) says that when he went to Africa, nobody knew who he was, but he had audiences of one thousand, two thousand people. Because poetry there is oral, it’s culture. Poetry is a vital thing there, so people come out. But here, we’ve kind of killed it. So it’s not that the arts are different, but that people like myself, Kamau, Genny Lim, poets that are really performing in ways that are exciting, our voices weren’t really out there that much. Because that wasn’t what was being pushed. And now spoken word is there.
PF: What adjustments do you make in your process between writing a novel, and going to the page for poetry?
dm: I write character driven novels as opposed to plot driven novels. So characters either talk to me, or I start having them have conversations in my head. I then realize something is coming. I either run to the computer at home, or I pull off to the side of the road and write down a few lines. I put that piece away and come back to it later. I know where it fits. I might do this chapter and switch the order.
A poem is much more channeling for me, something strikes a chord. This week I’m working on a Basra poem.
Basra is a city in Iraq that is forty miles from where they say the Garden of Eden was. It’s where Sinbad was born, and where he took off for every one of his seven voyages. It’s where the oil pipe lines end and where the United States has been bombing since 1991. So we all know where Basra is, but we don’t know where Basra is. Because when I said Sinbad, you get a picture: ‘Oh I know where Sinbad’s voyages were.’ You’ve seen Sinbad movies, right? The market places, the guys with the turbans. Ok, so it’s a fake Basra. But still, we have a sense that it’s a real place. It’s near the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers. The U.S. completely bombed an oil refinery that’s been rebuilt. And they’re bombing it consistently.
I heard an interview with a family from Basra, and I was so moved by them. Particularly by this one woman, who whenever the bombers fly overhead, she just falls to the floor, curls up, and starts crying and weeping. Her husband can do nothing to calm her fears. They’ve already lost one house to bombs. So it’s been haunting me, and I’ve been writing. Now I need to find a way to get in the Garden of Eden. Because I think that the pipeline is the Garden of Eden, and the snake. But I can’t plan it like a plot. I’m just thinking on it, and worrying over it. And I’m an out loud poet. So I read my poem out loud while I’m writing it, and I hear it in my ear and I know I’m stuck at that part. Then I’ll read clear, and it’s like going down a path. You know how you get stuck in a maze, and then you back track from here and go another way? That’s how I write. I go, ‘Ok. That was the wrong direction’. So I go back to the beginning of the maze, and find out where I was going. It’s much more of a meditation; I don’t control where it goes. I open doors up and let it go. With a novel, once the characters have shown themselves, I feel like I have more control over it. More intellectual control. Whereas poetry is much more of a spiritual route.
PF: Your Basra poem sounds like it has a lot to do with what is happening right now. It wasn’t like a voice from Basra spoke to you in your head. It was like an external experience, as if your poetry comes from a level of greater or collective consciousness.
dm: Yes. It was haunting me. It was like you need to write about this. Because this is here. People aren’t looking, aren’t understanding. You look at Baghdad getting bombed—Baghdad is the cradle of Western Civilization. It’s not just any old city. You can bomb LA. I mean, I don’t think we should bomb LA. Still, what’s going to be lost, primarily, is a lot of wonderful beings. But when you bomb Baghdad, you lose 5,000 years of human history, too. So I feel like we need to understand the language of the war that’s being fought, and what is being destroyed. It’s a different place. I am political, but I don’t ever think ‘I’m going to write a political anti-war poem.’ I never think like that. Like terrorism…OK. What is terror? What does terror mean? And I came up with a poem on terrorism. I remember looking at this book at my parent’s house with lynching photos and there was a little kid grinning at the camera. At the time, I was a little kid, and I shivered with fear that there were people who would do this. As a child, looking at the picture was terrorizing to me. That became the start of my poem on terrorism. Even though terrorism was the issue in the air, I couldn’t just start there.
PF: But you decided to write a poem, not a novel about terrorism.
dm: I don’t know how to write a novel about a thing, I only know how to write a novel to tell stories. So I tell stories about people. I know how to talk about people. People do write novels about things like that. Although I perceive of my writing to be incredibly political, progressive, revolutionary—that’s the voice I try to bring to it—I don’t write revolutionary poetry. I try to write truth.
PF: That can be revolutionary in itself.
dm: But I try not to be didactic. I don’t want to try to tell people how to think; I don’t think that’s poetry. I don’t want to tell people how to feel. I just want to be able to say: ‘Dying baby. Castrated man. Beaten woman. Are you mad yet?’ You know? I don’t want to tell people to get angry. Because if they don’t get angry, they’re lost. It’s very different for me to tell a story, or paint a word picture. Even when I go narrative in a poem, I’m not investigating their character. But what makes a novel unique is this character loving this character. It’s this individual character surmounting this hardship. There are thousands of novels about a character surmounting a hardship, about a character facing death. So what makes it different? What makes it different is the individual or individuals that we use the novel to study. But it’s different in a poem; a poem is about spirit. It’s much closer to prayer for me. It’s not in my head; it’s totally in my heart and my belly. It’s a physically different place.
in: Tea Party Magazine
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by Manuela Palchetti
1 – Devorah, I will start this interview with some words of yours, that I feel are perfect for describing poetry : ‘ For me, the best of poetry is like jazz in its ability to have people who don’t’ always speak the same language swinging the same beat’. Can you give us some more details on this image, do you think that poetry can be a way to share ideals and feelings, to cancel distances, to come to a common understanding? I feel that the best of poetry can find the place where we are each and all human. It may acknowledge our differences, our different rhythms and tones, but it also touches those places we share in our hearts and bellies, the struggle, the love, the sadness, the celebrations that are parts of us when we choose to be fully human, when we risk being fully humane. We people want the same things, simple comforts of home and hearth, someone to love and someone to love us, some kind of work or avocation that is fulfilling. We have so much common ground and poetry can make us touch the places which we share while acknowledging and supporting the facts that there are a vast number of ways to express our common fears, hopes, dreams, and aspirations.
2- You live in San Francisco, “cradle of poetry” How important has been for you to live here and how does it influenced your poetry? San Francisco is a port city and like all port cities it is a crossroads of many cultures and ethnic communities. Nevertheless, we are also a small city so we brush up against each other, and must interact and get to know each other. New York is probably more diverse than San Francisco, but in New York one can be in one cultural context and have little interaction with any others. In Harlem, for example, while you may see many kinds of African and African diaspora communities, Ethiopians and Jamaicans, for example, and African-Americans who have moved from the Southern United States and those who have lived in the north for two centuries, you may rarely see an Asian, and only occasionally a European. In San Francisco having six or seven languages spoken in one classroom is not unusual, from Russian to Korean, Kiswahili to French, Cantonese to Spanish, and of course always English. So we learn about each other, comfort each other, and get on each other’s nerves. In the neighborhood where I live, within two blocks, you will find a Thai restaurant, a Middle Eastern café, two Italian restaurants, one upscale, the other more like a trattoria, and a Japanese sushi bar. So I am always hearing a variety of languages, moving to the different musical expressions, smelling the scents, and seeing the various manners in which people walk and express themselves. On the other hand, I also live in a neighborhood that is changing from mostly African-American to mostly European-American. The Black youth are mis-educated, underemployed and angry. They turn their anger to themselves and it is often expressed in gun battles. In the last two weeks three teenagers were wounded and one young adult was killed. This means I can walk in one direction and have a cappuccino and strawberry-filled crepe, or walk another direction and see a street corner memorial of flowers, helium filled balloons, and small empty liquor bottles, set up as a ritual to remember the young man who died. All of this feeds my poetry. I think my need to write in different forms, some formal, most free verse or forms I have invented come from the mixing of cultures and realities around me. I also think my willingness to use standard American English as well as Black English (sometimes called ebonics) flows from seeing the ways different cultures pick up and borrow each other’s phrases and accents.
3. – You were named Poet Laureate of the City of San Francisco in 2002, but you are not living just in an academic world, you poetry is for people, not only for intellectuals or for an ‘elite’ (too often the poetry is meant to be something ‘difficult’ to understand). How can we achieve this, to bring poetry everywhere? For thousands of years poetry was for everybody. It was an oral art and thus one did not need to be “literate” to hear, understand or appreciate it. Then it began to be something taught and stored in books and libraries. The forms were codified and the poets canonized. Just as with painting, one had to emulate the “masters” of poetry and copy their forms and cadences even if they held the rhythms of another age and the concerns of another place. Poetry became something that was supposed to appeal to the mind more than the heart. Yet music stayed as something anyone could access just by listening. Dance was something that all could enjoy just by looking. Poetry, once it had to be read, began to slip away from many, indeed most, people. I think that bringing back poetry as a performance art brings it back to the people. I also think that writing about issues and ideas that touch ordinary people makes poetry relevant to their lives. I think poets and poetry readers must continually broaden the circle. This does not mean we abandon classic poets such as Dante or Rumi or Li Po, but it does mean that we keep listening to and promoting the voices of today. I also think that poetry needs to be presented in non-traditional ways. Yes, books and poetry readings are good, but we must find and create new ways to reveal the poem. Movies, posters, poetry presented with music, dance, and visual arts, and online resources that present poetry in new ways including interactive and three-dimensional poetry, can bring more people to poetry and build lasting bridges. Finally, we must work to have each person find their own creativity, write their own poems, learn their own dances, etc. Young people who are allowed and encouraged to write modern expressive poetry as children will not all become poets as they grow, but many of them will continue to be poetry lovers and poetry supporters.
4. Again I follow your words ‘Poetry is pure feeling, emotion. Poems are act of love’; after having read several times your book ‘Where river meets ocean’ I can safely say that your poetry ‘comes from the heart and speaks to hearts’. How did you come to poetry and which is the main purpose (aim) of poetry for you? I feel that in one way or another all my poems are love poems. I suppose being open to and expressing love, even if it is love expressed through viewing some of the horrors of the world, is one of my purposes. I try to understand what is going on around me; I seek clarity; I try to ask the right questions and then offer those questions, or that understanding to others. Hopefully others will take it up where I let go and have answers to my questions, or ask more precise questions, or provide another vision. As for vision I also am working hard to vision the world I want to live in, to see peace. Images of violence and hate also drive us creating an environment where many can think of a peaceful world only as a fantasy. Peace is seen as something that is like soap bubbles reflecting rainbows and then dissolving to nothing. I see the road to peace as a dream which can be fulfilled, although probably not in my lifetime. In that vein I hope that my words are a part of a healing force. As to how I came to poetry, very naturally. My father writes nonfiction and my mother paints abstract-expressionism. I trained in dance and acting as a child and thought that was where I would express my art. The poetry world however embraced me and my poetry in a way that the theater did not and it has not let go.
5. Your words are so full of force and strength, beauty and passion not only when they speak of love or ‘beautiful things of life’ but also when they speak of sufference or when they express anger. How do you think that poetry can heal or at least help us in our lives? When one has an injury that is full of pus one must clean out the pus and then open the wound to the sun to help it heal. Then if the wound is easily contaminated one must carefully bandage it to create a shield against reinfection. One must also eat the most healthy things and drink clear, clean water to aid the healing process. I believe that is what poetry can do. It helps us to see the wounds in ourselves or in the world so that we can drain them. It provides a shield against the hateful and negative thoughts and aims of others. Poetry provides nourishment to the spirit and soul so that we can be strong in our work.
6. In a world full of bad noise we are glad to hear the poets whispering. But there are moment in which it is necessary to rise a loud voice in poetry and scream against wars and injustice. What do you think about the moment we are living and how can a poem struggle to change things ? ( I remember having read a sentence of yours ‘I love poetry because it is a warrior for truth and passion that takes no prisoners, only converts’) Yes, not just the poets, but all artists must have the courage to scream out the truth until we are heard. In America it has become a cliche to tell people to “speak truth to power.” I think poetry must speak truth to the people, regular, common people, working people, struggling people, and make them see beyond the trick mirrors and disguises of the war mongers and corporate powers who care only about greed and destruction, dominion and power. Poetry can help us see that we, the people, do indeed have the power. We keep all the machines going. If we realize our power, we can stop the machines that don’t serve us. After all our children are the soldiers, our neighbors who make the weapons, we who stand up and resist or bury our heads in the sand. I think that most people are fundamentally kind but we despair because we feel we have no power. And then so many people are afraid that they do terrible things and accept terrible abuses because of their fear. Poetry can make people see their fear for what it is, it can provide a vision of a better way, it can help to give a clarity which will help people to make decisions which really serve themselves and their children and grandchildren in the end.
7.Your not only a poetess, you are a novelist, you are involved with music, projects of different kinds: can you tell us some of your recent works and some future plans? I recently completed a commission with a Mexican composer Guillermo Galindo. We produced a symphony for the Oakland East Bay Symphony which was music, of course, and poetry and song. I performed the spoken text and a choir sang the songs. The symphony, music and text, called “Trade Routes,” and it centered on immigrants and working class people who are not seen although they fill our city streets, although they are we. I have finished a third novel, ICE JOURNEYS, which is speculative (or futuristic) fiction. I am hoping that it finds a publisher soon. I have also finished a book of love poems, and by that I mean a woman to a man love, not the larger more universal love which I spoke of before. It is titled LOVE AS VERB, and I hope to have it published soon. I am working on a new volume of my more political poems and am working on a play which is comprised completely of poetry. I also am hoping that I get some funding support for two special projects. I teach poetry in museums as an artist in residence. I would like to write a book on teaching poetry in a museum or gallery setting, how one can process visual art through their own poetry. Also, I would like to do a series of poems on Blacks in California from the 1400's forward. I think that history can be a great teacher if shared with a relationship to the present in a way that is honest and clear.
8. Will we read something of your works in Italian and will we see you in Italy in the next months?
(I would really be very glad about this!!!) I am always ready to come to Italy. I hope that I will be invited this year and I hope that I will have a book produced in Italian soon. However, I do not have any firm commitments right now.
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